Fwd: DSL Schedules and Contact info

Attached please find a final schedule for the Fall 24' DSL Soccer season.  There are several changes throughout that should have been conveyed to affected parties via email, but regardless, please disregard the earlier draft schedule and refer to this one for all games.  Subject to any changes that the teams, ref coordinator and I sign off on, this is the final schedule.
At this time the schedule can be shared with your players.  Please note that any changes to this schedule will need to follow our protocol for reschedules (See previous email for that protocol).  I will not send further revised schedules going forward, but schools are free to reschedule as needed, subject to our protocols and with sign off from me and the Referee Coordinator (if PIAA refs are being used).
Also attached is the most current contact list.  Please review and let me know of any changes or corrections.  As you can see, we are still missing some information.  If any correspondence is required to be exchanged before that information is updated, please reach out to the school's soccer coordinator (also indicated on the contact list).  I am still missing information for the below 4 schools and will plan on recirculating this list one last time the week of August 26th when hopefully all such information will be completed:
  • Blessed Seelos – names and contact info for the 3 first grade coaches
  • Blessed Trinity – email and cell phone for Melissa Seaman, the 1/2 coach and name and contact info for the 3/4 coach
  • Holy Cross – name and contact info for the second grade coach
  • St. Kilian – cell number for Bryan Ross, the third grade coach
Finally, Soccer Coordinators please verify with your coaches that everyone that needs to is receiving my emails.  If there are additional emails that I need to add to my distribution list, please send them my way and I will update the list.
Rob Glentzer