Ave Maria Academy

The mission of Ave Maria Academy is to embrace and shepherd the children trusted to our care, developing them spiritually, culturally and academically, building a firm foundation which will serve them in their pursuit of future success.  Our Academy will reflect centuries of Catholic Education by illuminating the individual and their path forward.  Our students will be challenged by academic rigor and developed as protectors and mentors for one another, as well as the world awaiting them outside our threshold.  Finally, our Academy will join with our families to reinforce our shared values.

Home Field: St. Thomas More Field

JV Bundesliga, JV MLS, JV USL, Varsity Bundesliga, Varsity MLS, Varsity USL
Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2023, Fall 2024, Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Spring 2023, Spring 2024