Please find an updated coach contact sheet, the only changes are with respect to the first grade St. Kilian contact information. Use this sheet when contacting opposing teams for this week's games.
Also, at this point, all rosters should have been submitted. I am missing the following rosters from the following schools, please submit signed rosters ASAP. Not having rosters submitted could result in forfeitures and impact playoff/tournament eligibility. If you believe you sent it in already but are listed below, please resend as it is possible that I missed your email.
1. Archangel Gabriel – all rosters are outstanding
2. Ave Maria – all rosters are outstanding
3. Blessed Seelos – all rosters are outstanding
4. Blessed Trinity – all developmental rosters are outstanding
5. Eden Christian – JV roster is outstanding
6. Guardian Angel – all rosters are outstanding
7. Holy Family – all rosters are outstanding
8. Our Lady of Fatima – all rosters are outstanding (as are registration fees)
9. Alpha – Developmental rosters are in, but to the extent any JV/V players are playing with Seelos those rosters are due as well
10. St. James – all rosters are due
11. St. Kilian – all rosters are due
12. Sts. Peter and Paul – all developmental rosters are due.
That is all, good luck this weekend and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.